Interesting that we've been back to "real life" for a couple of weeks now, and although not as luxuriously indolent as our French idyll, it's been great. Visits to the Farmer's Market are almost as good here as in Normandy, and it's so wonderful to see old friends. We're catching up with tennis,dinner parties, movies and hikes as well as the boring old dentist's appointments, haircuts, etc.
Speaking of movies, saw Francis Coppola's new film "Tetro" at the wonderful Rafael Theater in our old home town of San Rafael. It's a fabulous old theater that's run as a non-profit and offers the latest in high end films, art films and often has an opening night where you can do a Q&A with the director after the show. We missed Coppola's night on the stage taking questions, but we did see his film, which is shot completely in black and white and takes place in Buenos Aires, another one of our favorite places on earth. Sadly, though the cinematography is awesome, the movie is over-dramatic, overlong, and completely over the top - but it was fun to be back at the Rafael.
Being in Marin County is fun because in many ways it's as if we never left. We walked into our racquet stringer's shop the other day and he barely looked up and said, "Hi, guys" as if he'd just seen us last week.
As they say - you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave...