It's spring - which means it's time for the Bisbee H.S. Tennis Season! I have been recruited to do some volunteer coaching for the girls' team, and it's been a revelation. I have so much respect now for the patience of the brilliant coaches I've had in my life - and giving back to this town and to the game I love has been a thrill. Three hours a day of hitting balls and yelling "keep your head down, Haley!", "swing low to high, Megan!" and "move your feet!" has been a reminder of just how difficult this game is... it has all the elements of an addiction - frustration, risk, excitement, glory... and just the sheer thrill of hitting that little yellow ball...
This past Saturday was the Jim Thursby Invitational HS Tennis Tournament, named for the man who has been the Bisbee HS Tennis Coach for 28 years. Our buddies who comprise the Bisbee Community Tennis Association, a ragtag group of ex-judges and politicians, rock and rollers, artists and lady hackers like me, came out in force to support the kids and provide some refreshment. At the end of the day, we handed out medals and trophies, but the real prize was just being there.
We went home happy, and the next day the snow came... drifting down like feathers from some ethereal bird, blanketing the brown grass like a blessing.