Thursday, May 7, 2009

Saving the West

If there's anything that we've learned in driving around the West for the last month, it is that the natural beauty of this country is unique and uniquely worth saving... it's a treasure far beyond our economic woes.

The effects of global climate change are evident in the Rockies - the Ponderosas have been infested with bark beetles - the trees are in a weakened condition because of drought and are dying by the thousands - the grey skeletons of dead trees and the rusty red foilage of the dying ones create a nightmare scenario around Dillon and Vail.

And the kind of sprawling development we witnessed makes us wonder what (or if) human beings are thinking. We drove last night through Spanish Fork, Utah - possibly one of the most stunning places we've ever been - the amazing mountains and meadows are covered with ticky tacky brown box houses, as far as the eye can see...

Dick and Melanie had a fantastic time as fellow photographers these last few days, documenting the beauty of the area. I hope our generation can ensure that when our nieces and Mel's grandchildren come to visit the mountains in a decade or two, that beauty is still there for them to see.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, sure do miss you. we sent the portfolio via something friday am. Let us know when it gets there.
