Friday, April 17, 2009

White on White

I opened the curtains this morning and actually said "Yikes!" (Yes, Nick - I said "Yikes!"...) because the scenery was completely white... sagebrush, mountains, roads, cars, buildings. What a wonderful world!

Did our best to play tourist today in spite of the snow - loved a visit to the Mabel Dodge Luhan House - the Casa de Gallo - such a gracious and graceful spot. People in Taos are so genuinely kind; everyone drives very slowly (even when it's not snowing) and they stop to let each other go first - and owners in the galleries always say "welcome" and "thanks for stopping in" even when they know you couldn't possibly afford their fabulous but costly art. I had a long chat with the cook at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House - and after an offer of tea and scones we were pretty much left alone to wander about this monument to the counterculture. Stieglitz and O'Keefe, DH Lawrence and Frieda, plus John Reed and other leftwing politicos used to come for conversation with Mabel - Dennis Hopper even owned the house in the '70's for a while.

Sitting in front of the fire, coffee in hand (spiked with some good Appleton rum), weightless clumps of snow melting and drifting down off the trees like feathers... what a wonderful world!

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